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Monday, September 9, 2013

Communicating with a business

Have you ever experienced difficulty communicating with a business? Would social media have made it easier to get noticed or get your problem solved? If not, have you ever had a positive experience communicating with a business through social media?
Write 150 words or more describing what made your experience negative or positive.

On many occasions I have found communicating with businesses difficult. I feel on many circumstances businesses tend to be out of reach or have shifted their customer service outside the USA. This typically makes getting anything done with the business much more difficult and time consuming. Honestly, no I do not think social media would make it easier to get problems solved. On sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc very rarely does the business actually come back and answer your questions or concerns because if they did they would have to reply to xyz amount of people. I cannot say that I have, I never really try and reach out to businesses via social media I would rather just call their number directly to get my problem solved. Also, without having a problem even so communicating with social media I often feel is like talking to a ghost. Though, they may consider your suggestions/comments/concerns, you never really see direct feedback to you personally. H


  1. Hi Cameron,

    You raise a good point: If businesses were to respond to complaints on social media sites, some would do nothing but reply to people all day, and some of the complaints I'm sure are pretty frivolous.

    However, they must find a way to narrow the 'everybody or nobody' gap, otherwise they'll hurt their reputation very quickly.


  2. BOOM!! I love the point you are making here Cameron!! SO many businesses don't interact with their consumers and it freaking chokes me up....However, some companies such as Domino's responds quickly to their customers on twitter. Freaking LOVED your points, have a fantastic and positive thought filled day.

  3. Cameron so true! I have had my own frustrating experiences trying to reach a company that has customer service operators in a foreign country. It is time consuming - you often get lost or hung up in call transfers - and when you do reach someone, they don't understand English very well, and its usually on a bad connection.

    But maybe it is with these companies the most, that we should use the power of social media to communicate with them, or even more importantly, communicate with other customers. Consumers who can then avoid doing business with these companies in the future.

    If a company starts to lose sales from negative feedback on social media sites, they might one day start to answer to the more disgruntled customers online. I saw some recent posts -reviews on Yelp - where the business -a local casino- was replying to a few (not all) of the real serious or business damaging complaints.

    In today's brave new world of online messaging. Like it or not- a savvy business owner better stay in touch with their customers online, and respond to them if it can be a potential disaster for their business success.
