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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Ads Ads Ads

I personally do not think I would use Facebook Ads as part of my marketing campaign. I believe because my business is local, a better way of promotion would be in local magazines, newspapers and at various stores within the community such as other local Pet Stores. I would like to promote my ads through social media such as status updates or tweets and would do so about 2 times a week on each site. As far as Facebook Ad's go there are ones that are very cleverly placed within your Newsfeed and ones that appear on the sidebar of Facebook. If I were to chose one it would be the side bar, because it is less annoying and more directly placed in an "ad section." I think the budget I would chose would be around 5 dollars a day or something very minimal because I find those ads never work, and I never want to click on them.  The  first ad I chose below was picked for humor to provide an emotional connection, and the second is to provoke the consumer into wanting to check out my business.
Featured Ads:


  1. I like the idea of engaging your audience through humor and emotional appeal. I would definitely be interested in what your company has to offer based off common interest.

  2. I love the Facebook ad! It evokes a humorous feeling and would definitely make me want to try your business! Great job Cameron!

  3. Good job. I don't pay attention to any of the ads on Facebook and wonder how effective they are.... so agree that they may not work.
