Google Analytics

Monday, November 25, 2013

Optimizing Yourself and the Company

Wow! I did not realize Google analytic offered so many features with their program. I think I was most surprised at the amount of flexibility offered and features I never even knew you would be able to report/calculate. Some features I found the most interesting was Site Search, because I feel it would be great to find out what people were looking for, if they missed anything, and grants me greater speed in interaction with my consumer. I know for myself, often times when I check a website and I cannot find what I am looking for I get frustrated and either leave, or have to search the entire site to try and find it. Goal Flow was another interesting feature, I think it would be most beneficial to see where they leave, get stuck, and where they enter. In this way, I can track where I need to improve or tweak my website. E Commerce Reporting was an interesting feature I found as well. I think being able to see my best selling products, and most powerful promotions would really increase my market sales. Now, I was not planning to have my website sell my products because of the small town community I wanted to create with my business. However I think this is a vital aspect in sales rather small town or large/nationwide. I think Map Overlay also be a great way for this too, because if my sales are flowing online I would like to see where they are coming from and how can I further promote my business or expand it even. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Coupon Deal

 I believe a great incentive for my consumers would be a coupon deal for the holidays. It is the season for giving and what better than to help your pet out! 20% off any grooming treatment or select product(s). I think having a coupon deal for the holidays is a great incentive for consumers to come in because they want their animals to look especially nice around the holidays with family and friends coming over and to make sure they are taken care of.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Social Media Tools

I actually was surprised at the amount of additional online marketing tools used I have not heard of before! I believe Google+ is an effective social media tool; which is now being integrated through YouTube. So, being able to cross reference both of these social media platforms would be a great way to promote my business, and I would only benefit from connecting the two. Another online marketing tool I would use is Yelp; as a consumer I constantly check out places on the social media tool to see what others reviewed or even to get more info on the establishment. I believe this would help my business, and as customers visit I would make sure to have the Yelp sticker on my business card so clients could check it out. I also think a lot of people get satisfaction writing their opinion about a business because it makes them feel important and relevant. The third additional online marketing tools I would use is LinkedIn. I think adding my career information is important because not only am I building a brand under my name, but it is important to have a face behind it all too. In this way, using LinkedIn could help me connect with others in the industry and promote myself in a new manner (this could also be added to my business card). Lastly, I would chose Tumblr and I know this does not sound very relevant but I enjoy the site and I would keep the theme to my blog about my business as a way to promote it. I think clients would enjoy seeing pictures of the events or to even spend time lollygagging around on my page would kept myself relevant and build a personal connection with the consumers.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Blog Comments

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Marketing Social Media

Write a blog post on how to use marketing on Social Media without spending money. Create several FaceBook posts that include a call to action to encourage people to visit your website, read your blog, and like your page.

There are several ways to market with Social Media without spending money would be to Facebook posts and Tweets. In this way, this is a free advertising to your customers whom enjoy your business and hopefully they will spread the word to their friends about your company. If I were to promote my business by offering a coupon via social media, and a friend did not need it they could give it to their friend. Thus, if the interation with the new customer went well I just made a new one through an already existing one! This same method could be used on twitter and I could promote traffic towards my website to offer even more deals by checking it out. Another way to promote my business through social media would be YouTube. In example, I could make vlogs about my business and what it is like behind the scenes, I could also do product reviews etc. The newly gained interest and emotional connection with the viewer would keep them attracted to me and hopefully result in the customer wanting to check out my business. Call to action posts can be found on my Facebook and Twitter. 

Ads Ads Ads

I personally do not think I would use Facebook Ads as part of my marketing campaign. I believe because my business is local, a better way of promotion would be in local magazines, newspapers and at various stores within the community such as other local Pet Stores. I would like to promote my ads through social media such as status updates or tweets and would do so about 2 times a week on each site. As far as Facebook Ad's go there are ones that are very cleverly placed within your Newsfeed and ones that appear on the sidebar of Facebook. If I were to chose one it would be the side bar, because it is less annoying and more directly placed in an "ad section." I think the budget I would chose would be around 5 dollars a day or something very minimal because I find those ads never work, and I never want to click on them.  The  first ad I chose below was picked for humor to provide an emotional connection, and the second is to provoke the consumer into wanting to check out my business.
Featured Ads:

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Blog Comments

Lori's Social Media Blog, Kyle Donnelly Blog, and Dee's Social Media Journey.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Email Marketing

After reading the lecture and text book assignment, write a blog post in response to this assignment:  Newsletters can be sent weekly, monthly, quarterly, or even twice a year for certain businesses. With that in mind, what information could your business use for a newsletter, and how often would you send one? Write a list of content ideas you think your customers would enjoy seeing and why.

I plan on sending out a Monthly email to my customers reminding them of new products in store based on their shopping preferences, happy birthday's to the animals, upcoming events, and sales that we are currently offering on products or services.  This would include a Real Life Forum when signing up at our Hotel & Spa the customer would get an incentive for a free bag of treats for their dogs, or a % off of their next grooming session. I also think using the analytical tools offered by using an email marketing program would really increase the success of my monthly emails to customers.

Content Ideas: I believe all of these content ideas would work well for the monthly newsletter as well as components to our site. I think this would enable us to not only build relationships with our customers, but engage them as well by asking their feed back or response to questions, polls, etc.

Giveaways - Every customer wants to feel like they can win something.
Polls - Tell us how we are doing, or what your favorite breed is etc.
Contests- This includes submitting photos of your dogs Halloween costume, funny photo etc. Submitted Photos- Show us your animal! We will post in on our site.
Interviews- Interesting interviews with dog grooming experts, animal industry professionals.
Videos- Some behind the scenes of event set ups, funny doggie outtakes etc.
Humor- Funny photos or related content to animals.
Tips and Tricks-  Pet allergy relief, digging remedies, etc.
Questions- What does your dog enjoy most about our Spa and Hotel?